supplement audit

Here’s the thing: it’s getting harder to get all that we need and want nutritionally from food alone,

but finding the right-fit supplements (that actually work) is easier said than done. 

It’s not just you, boo.

This is a a systemic problem that impacts us all individually (some people more than others). We’ve strip-mined our soils, making our food less nutritionally dense. And sometimes capsules are the most convenient and appropriate choice for taking herbal medicine too, and sometimes that’s okay!

You’ve decided to start taking some supplements (or recommit to the ones you already have), but then the doubt and uncertainty hits you, like are these even going to work???

So you turn to your (not so) trusty smartphone and go a-searching. 90 minutes later, after reading random Healthline articles and Crossfitter blogs, you feel more confused and overwhelmed than when you started, with even less clarity and confidence in your supplement choices.

Frustrating, right?

To be clear:

YOU ARE NOT ALONE  in getting bogged down in the techno-commercialised health hellscape.

Figuring out which supplements to take is fucking hard on your own.

Even when you’re not chronically ill per se  - maybe you just want to take a few general health-type things to keep you feeling your best! Or you’re seeing the beginnings of something (thinning hair, lower energy, sleep quality) and you want to nip that shit in the bud.

If you want a set of knowledgeable, experienced clinical eyeballs to take a look at your regimen and make sure that what you’re taking is going to help you reach your health goals, Supplement Audit is for you.

One other thing: not all supplements are created equal.

Because of the unregulated consumerist tsunami in which we exist, giant corporations can pretty much put anything in a supplement and sell it to you, whether or not it actually works. It often the case that the amounts within each dose aren’t enough to make a difference, or those nutrients are in a form that your body can’t make meaningful use of. There’s not really anyone you can easily go to to learn what forms are most effective, what dose is most helpful, and how frequently it makes sense to take them.

Take the uncertainty out of your routine and be confident that your supplements are worth the time, effort and money. 

Before our audit appointment, you’ll send me detailed info on

  • everything you’re taking or want to take and how long you’ve been doing so

  • your goals and motivations behind choosing them - what are you hoping they will help you achieve health-wise? More energy? Thicker hair and stronger nails? General wellness? I’ll ask you to be as specific as possible.

I’ll look over all of that in preparation for our 10-20 minute call. During it, we’ll answer any questions you have about your supplements, clarify anything that’s unclear, and go over your custom recommendations. I’ll share the rationale behind each one and send them to you with an easy, discounted option for ordering through my practitioner dispensary (if you want - absolutely no pressure to order through me!)

Last thing: my years of clinical experience has taught me that it’s not JUST about having the right supplements on hand, it’s about remembering to take them consistently!

a cupboard full of perfectly aligned supplements does nothing for you if you can’t remember to take them.

That’s why we make sure to leave some time at the end of our session to troubleshoot any potential barriers to success, and included in your post-appointment materials is a bonus guide with some tried-and-true strategies - all you need to build (and maintain!) the consistent habit of tAkInG yOuR vItAmInS.