Frequently Asked Questions

about the Regeneratrix Program & 1:1 Sessions

How much time does the program take up? I’m just too busy/don’t have the time.

The Regeneratrix Program is designed to address the question of the time investment in two ways: by both identifying and building on the nooks and crannies of space/energy in your world right now AND by acting as a pattern disrupt - because there’s no way around the fact that always being busy, busy, busy and not taking ample time for rest, nourishment, and rejuvenation/self-care is one of the ways we got here in the first place. The key to this is two-fold: one, strategising on how to make the changes that are required fit into your life given your existing schedule/obligations, and two, being honest and straightforward about when that’s just not gonna cut it. Our work will meet you where you are AND ask you to carve out the time your body deserves. 

For the 1:1 Session, it’s more self-directed as to how much time you devote to implementing your protocol. That session is the perfect choice if you feel confident in your ability to carve out the time and effort that will radically transform your habits, and consequently, your health.


What is the program cost?

The Regeneratrix Program ranges from 1.5k- 3k. The 1:1 Session is $350. Payment plans are available (monthly instalments), and financing is also available through PayPal.


Is this program a lot of work? My health issues keep me so tired, I’m afraid I won’t have the energy to do what’s needed.

In the beginning, you won’t. Real talk. It’ll be hard to learn to cook a gluten-free dinner, remember to take your supplements, or go on that walk at the end of a long day. But you know something? You can do hard things. You were born to call upon the resilience entrusted to you by the ancestors.

I know intimately what the first chapters of recovering from chronic health issues are like. I remember the fatigue, fatalism, and empty emotional gas tank. Know that this is taken into account when creating your protocol - we will be very sensitive to not overwhelming you in the first weeks of the program, AND you’ll proactively be showered with support via the remedies that require comparatively less effort - things like herbal formulas and supplements, that provide speedy relief.

However, if the idea of taking an herbal formula with each meal or swallowing supplements 2-3 times daily seems like too much, that’s okay. I’ve been there. This just may not be the right time to begin this program, or you may need to visit a doctor or mental health professional in addition to our work, as part of expanding your circle of care.